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40% discount on our

Light Language Mastery Course

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Don't rush past this moment. We have a special, limited-time offer that will elevate your experience even further.

Access your free content on the next page, however, you now also have the exclusive opportunity to supercharge your transformation with a remarkable

40% discount on our Light Language Mastery Course.

Your path to awakening and empowerment starts here. Take a moment to consider the incredible possibilities that await you.

You will only see this offer once. Act now!
  • Access Your Free Content at the end of the page

  • Experience Profound Healing, Spiritual Awakening, and Deep Connection with the Sacred Language of Light



    The Ultimate Guide to Harnessing the Power of Light Language! 

    Unleash Your Inner Light, Expand Your Consciousness, and Forge a Profound Connection with the Divine


    "It is a journey of great interest to the world of Love, Wisdom and Gratitude, with Dina as our guide, who with great clarity, "simplicity" and analysis, made us feel that we can, that we have the capacity to evolve spiritually. She made us remember that we had already knew but had firmly shut down .... even hermetically I would say. Unknown words and meanings but still known experiences that were given to us in an appropriate manner, were the result of education, remembrance, recovering primal impressions, erasing fears, and re-writing without the fear of what was previously thought to be an “elusive fantasy”. Dearest Dina, thank you very much for initiating the opening towards my personal change, for the encouragement in making me believe that "I CAN". Thank you for the the soul touching moments we experienced and we shared. I am grateful to you and the teachers. Thank you very much"

    – Rena Koukoulaki, Greece


    Dina Sadoriniou

  • Konstadina (Dina) is a internationally renown Intuitive Coach / Mentor, Personal & Spiritual Growth Trainer, Matrix & Akashic Records Consultant & Teacher, Intuitive Healer, Light Language Practitioner, Complementary Therapist, Meditation Teacher, Visionary Artist, Author and Ordained Minister (non-denominational).

    Konstadina is the founder of the Cosmic Soul Academy, based in London, United Kingdom, was born in Rhodes, Greece, studied Business Administration with a Marketing and Management Specialisations at Piraeus University, and now lives in England, but has been working internationally for over 35 years.

    After a career in the corporate world she studied a great number of self development & spiritual growth courses and various alternative therapies including Intuitive Counselling, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. 

    She has published books, articles, videos and CDs in English and Greek.

    Konstadina works with the intention and mission to use her knowledge and her long experience so that others experience improvement in their circumstances, personal empowerment, inner balance and happiness, improving their physical and mental health and greater well-being. It does this by teaching practical and easy-to-use techniques with humour and originality. 

    She has been a meditation teacher for 35 years and has been working with the Akashic Records as a Practitioner & Teacher as well as working with Light Codes & Light Language since 2005.


    8 easy-to-understand modules that will take you from complete beginner to professional funnel designer in 8 weeks!!

    Module 1:


    🌟What is light language?

    🌟 History of light language.

    🌟 Different types of light language.

    🌟 Benefits of using light language.

    🌟 How to start using light language.

    🌟 The Meaning of Light Language, Uses, and Purpose.

    Module 2:


    🌟What is channeling?

    🌟Methods of Channeling.

    🌟How to be a Clear Channel.

    🌟Discerning Divine Guidance from own thoughts.

    🌟Integrating Channeling into daily Spiritual Practices.

    Module 3:


    🌟How to start using Light Language.

    🌟How to Channel Light Language.

    🌟Who am I channeling?

    🌟Mastering the Art of Receiving Light Language Messages.

    🌟What am I say in Light Language?

    🌟How to develop your own vocabulary.

    Module 4:

    Activate Your Light Language

    🌟Understanding Light Language Activation

    🌟Clearing and Opening Energy Centers

    🌟Opening the Heart Center

    🌟Raising Vibration

    🌟Connect with Higher Self

    🌟Connect with your Spirit Guides

    🌟Blocks to channeling Light Language

    🌟Overcoming Blocks to Light Language

    Module 5: 


    🌟How to use Light Language for Healing

    🌟Physical Body Healing

    🌟Emotional Body Healing

    🌟Physical Body Healing

    🌟Mental Body Healing

    🌟Spiritual Body Healing

    🌟Clearing Negative Energies

    Module 6: 


    🌟How to Use Light Language for Manifestation

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Visual Art

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Dance and Movement

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Storytelling

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Theater and Performance

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Creative Writing

    🌟How to Use Light Language for Film and Video Production

    Module 7:


    🌟Embracing Light Language as a Regular Practice

    🌟Daily Light Language Rituals and Exercises

    🌟Infusing Light Language into Relationships and Interactions

    🌟Creating a Loving and Peaceful World through Light Language

    🌟Personal Growth and Expansion with Light Language

    Light Language


    🌟Activate Your Light Language

    🌟Psychic Abilities Activation

    🌟Merkaba Activation

    🌟Starseed Memories Activation

    🌟 Aura Activation

    🌟Divine Intervention Activation

     🌟DNA Reprogramming Activation


    This online, on-demand course is designed for lightworkers, starseeds, and seekers of spiritual growth who are ready to activate their divine essence and connect with the higher realms.

    Welcome, radiant souls, to our transformative Light Language course—an immersive journey that invites you to unlock the celestial codes and awaken the power of your soul's unique language.

    In this comprehensive program, you will embark on a soulful exploration of Light Language, merging ancient wisdom with modern techniques to create a powerful synergy.

    Through dynamic video and audio classes, guided meditations, and light language activations, you will be guided step-by-step to tap into the profound depths of your being.

    Our expertly crafted manual will serve as your trusted companion throughout this journey, providing insightful teachings, sacred symbols, and practical exercises. It will become your roadmap as you navigate the realms of light, enabling you to confidently express your soul's language and transmit healing energies to yourself and others.

    As you dive into the transformative power of Light Language, you will open pathways to profound spiritual growth and alignment. The frequencies and vibrations of light codes will activate dormant aspects within you, awakening your intuitive gifts, expanding your consciousness, and accelerating your ascension journey.

    Through our enchanting guided meditations, you will journey to celestial realms, communing with spirit guides, angels, and cosmic beings. These meditations will heighten your connection, allowing you to receive divine guidance, access ancient wisdom, and receive energetic downloads that will support your personal and spiritual evolution.The heart of this course lies in the mesmerizing light language activations.

    These activations will unlock the hidden chambers of your soul, activating your innate gifts and aligning you with your soul's purpose. You will learn to channel light language effortlessly, allowing it to flow through your voice, hands, and written expressions, infusing your creations with the transformative power of love and healing.

    By the end of this course, you will have the tools, knowledge, and confidence to integrate Light Language into your daily life, spiritual practice, and healing modalities.

    You will radiate your soul's unique frequency, becoming a beacon of light and inspiration for others.

    As you align with your true essence and harness the power of Light Language, you will experience profound transformation, deep connection, and a sense of purpose that illuminates your path.

    Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey?

    Join us now and let the language of light awaken your soul, expand your consciousness, and empower your spiritual evolution. Together, we will co-create a world infused with love, harmony, and higher vibrations.





    Video & Audio Classes of the 7 modules

    Every module provides an in depth analysis of the various topics / lessons it includes with examples for better understanding and practical application.

    Audio Guided Meditations infused with Light Language

    There are a number of guided healing meditations related to the topics of the lessons of the 7 modules that include light language activations.

    Exercises & Quiz

    Excercises are also provided in each module for practical application of the knowledge, experimentation and experience. At the end you can complete a quiz where you can test your knowledge and receive your certification.

    Light Codes & Light Language Activations

    As additional bonuses I will include 7 relevant Light Language Activations with Light Codes:

    💙 Activate Your Light Language

    💙 Psychic Abilities Activation

    💙 Merkaba Activation

    💙 Starseed Memories Activation

    💙 Aura Activation

    💙 Divine Intervention Activation

    💙 DNA Reprogramming Activation


    • Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts: Awaken and enhance your innate intuitive abilities, allowing you to receive and interpret intuitive messages with greater clarity and accuracy.

    • Deepen Spiritual Connection: Forge a profound and unshakable connection with higher realms, spirit guides, and angelic beings, enabling you to receive divine guidance and support on your spiritual journey.

    • Activate Dormant Potentials: Unlock dormant potentials within your being, accessing untapped creativity, healing abilities, and spiritual gifts that can be expressed through Light Language.

    •  Release Energetic Blockages: Dissolve energetic blockages and stagnant patterns, clearing the path for the free flow of life force energy, vitality, and abundance in all areas of your life.

    • Raise Your Vibration: Elevate your energetic frequency, aligning with higher states of consciousness and attracting experiences and opportunities that are in alignment with your highest good.

    • Accelerate Spiritual Growth: Experience accelerated spiritual growth and transformation as Light Language activates profound shifts at the soul level, allowing you to embody your authentic self and purpose.

    • Enhance Energy Healing Practices: Infuse Light Language into your energy healing practices, exponentially increasing their effectiveness and facilitating deeper levels of healing and transformation for yourself and others.

    • Cultivate Emotional Balance: Experience greater emotional harmony and balance as Light Language assists in releasing emotional wounds, trauma, and limiting beliefs, enabling you to live from a place of joy, peace, and empowerment.

    • Connect with Soul Family: Attract and connect with like-minded individuals, forming a supportive community of fellow Light Language practitioners and spiritual seekers who uplift and inspire your journey.

    • Expand Consciousness: Explore expanded states of consciousness, accessing higher dimensions and cosmic wisdom, broadening your perspective, and experiencing a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

    • Express Your Authentic Self: Embrace your authentic self and confidently express your unique essence, using Light Language as a vehicle for self-expression, creativity, and embodying your soul's truth.

    • Enhance Manifestation Abilities: Harness the power of Light Language to amplify your manifestation abilities, aligning with your desires and co-creating a reality that is in alignment with your soul's purpose and highest potential.

    • Experience Profound Joy and Fulfillment: Embrace the transformative energies of Light Language, opening yourself to a profound sense of joy, fulfillment, and a deepened connection to the beauty and magic of life.

    • Access Higher Knowledge and Wisdom: Tap into the vast wellspring of higher knowledge and wisdom available through Light Language, expanding your understanding of the universe, consciousness, and the nature of reality.

    • Embody Unconditional Love: Align with the frequency of unconditional love, radiating love and light to yourself, others, and the world, contributing to the collective awakening and transformation of humanity.

    Here's what sets this Light Language course apart and makes it an absolute must-have for anyone seeking to explore the profound depths of this sacred language:

    • Holistic Integration: This course goes beyond teaching you Light Language techniques; it provides a holistic approach to integrating Light Language into every aspect of your life. You'll discover how to infuse Light Language into your spiritual practice, daily routines, energy healing modalities, creative expressions, and even your relationships, allowing you to experience its transformative power in all areas of your existence.

    • Comprehensive Learning Resources: Gain access to a treasure trove of comprehensive learning resources that cater to different learning styles and preferences. From video and audio classes that bring teachings to life, to a detailed manual that serves as your trusted guide, light codes that activate deep healing, guided meditations that connect you to higher realms, and powerful Light Language activations that initiate profound shifts within your being, this course offers a rich array of tools to support your journey.

    • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom and guidance of an experienced Light Language practitioner and teacher who has dedicated their life to exploring and mastering this sacred language. With their deep understanding of the intricacies of Light Language, they will lead you on a transformative journey, sharing insights, practical tips, and personal experiences to empower your own Light Language practice.

    • Fusion of Ancient and Modern Techniques: This course beautifully blends ancient wisdom and modern techniques, allowing you to access the timeless power of Light Language in a contemporary context. You'll learn traditional practices passed down through generations, as well as innovative approaches that harness the advancements of our time, creating a truly unique and potent learning experience.

    • Intuitive and Personalized Approach: Recognizing that each student's journey is unique, this course encourages you to embrace your intuitive guidance and personalize your Light Language practice. You'll be supported in discovering your own authentic expression of Light Language, nurturing your unique gifts and soul essence, and developing a deep connection with this sacred language that is aligned with your spiritual path.

    • Practical Application in Daily Life: This course emphasizes the practical application of Light Language in your daily life. You'll explore how to integrate Light Language into your relationships, self-care practices, manifestation rituals, energy healing sessions, and more, allowing you to experience its tangible and transformative effects in real-world scenarios.

    •  Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Beyond teaching you Light Language techniques, this course empowers you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. Through the activation and expression of Light Language, you'll unlock hidden potentials, deepen your connection with your authentic self, and step into your power as a co-creator of your reality.

    • With its holistic integration, comprehensive resources, expert guidance, fusion of ancient and modern techniques, intuitive approach, ongoing support, practical application, and empowerment-focused curriculum, this Light Language course is unparalleled in its ability to facilitate profound spiritual growth, awakening, and connection with higher realms. Prepare to embark on a journey that will forever change the way you perceive yourself, the universe, and the infinite possibilities that await you.

    Additional bonuses

    you will get

    Join today to the LIGHT LANGUAGE MASTERY COURSE and receive all the modules + bonuses (WORTH MORE THAN £300)

    for just £397 £197







    "At this seminar with Dina, the things were predefined not by the human expectation, but by another, more perfect place!

    Now for the seminar in particular – Dina is foremost a wonderful, pure and good person and this is streaming from her, there is no way not to feel it – I think that this is the first requirement if somebody decides to go in this direction! 

    Dina presented the things accurately, clearly, in short, without anything unnecessary, this is what I liked the most.

    About Dina it was all specific and accurate! The technique in particular – for me personally, turned out to be exactly the missing piece of the puzzle, the important instrument, which was necessary for me in order to gain my experience in a compact, effective and useful way.

    And here exactly comes my biggest gratitude to Dina – gratitude, which I send on the behalf of my clients, too, who experience a real transformation and I am satisfied!

    And one more thing – the technique of Dina is not only an instrument, which we could work and help the needy ones with. It is something much more; it changes us, our energies, our emission…

    This can be felt very strongly, too, apart from my own feelings regarding the new vibration in me, my clients also felt this and they multiplied drastically – eh, after all that, what more can I say, other than the only thing that matters –



    Katya Kyuchukova –

    NLP therapist, hypnotherapy, regression Sofia, Bulgaria

    “One of the greatest gifts that I have ever given to myself was to become a certified Akashic Records practitioner. I enrolled in Dina's online course early last year, Access the Matrix / Akashic Records Practitioner Level and it quite literally changed my life.

    Her online course is self-paced and can be done in one's own time, directly from home, which is absolutely perfect in today's world. Dina teaches the course via a series of videos, and the information is all based on her own personal experience as an Akashic Records practitioner and teacher.

    She lovingly shares the wisdom, insights and guidance that she has learned from her sessions over the years. Dina is a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful that she is sharing this extremely powerful wisdom with us all.


    Her online course is a gift that just keeps on giving. It is an investment in one's own healing, personal development and spiritual mastery.

    Dina is extremely dedicated and passionate about her work. She is very professional and is a gifted healer. I have greatly enjoyed learning how to read the Akashic Records from her and am grateful that I am now able to offer this as a service to others in my practice.

    If you are drawn to the Akashic Records and would like to learn how to read the Akashic Records both for yourself and for others, I invite you to follow your heart and to sign up for Dina's course right now.

    Signing up for her course and becoming a practitioner can change your life. Are you ready? Thank you Dina! Thank you!"

    Marla Kaya -

    Akashic Records & Light Language Practitioner,  USA

    "This seminar benefited me in many ways. It was a beautiful experience and I learned things that I knew nothing of or had even thought about.

    It helped me think differently and gave me a lot of power and energy.  I would like others to feel the way this seminar made me feel. I recommend it."

    Danai Vasileva, Bulgaria

    "This was an exceptional experience!

    In those two days I felt like being in other dimension.

    I’ve learned a lot!

    Thank you for every moment."

    Lili Tokadjieva, Bulgaria


    Lifetime Access of the material PLUS any future upgrades.


